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CommunicationPublished on 20 July 2021

SDC: new structure for modern development cooperation

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will align its activities with the fields of action of modern international cooperation and adapt its organisational structure over the next year. The SDC's new structure will become operational in autumn 2022 and be completed by summer 2023. The implementation of the International Cooperation Strategy 2021–24 will remain unchanged.

The impacts of climate change know no geographical boundaries. They affect the global population as a whole and are felt particularly keenly where people's livelihoods depend directly on the natural environment. Climate change leads to poverty, hunger and natural disasters.
Countries have other concerns; they need a response tailored to their own needs, which differ from those of donor countries.
Patricia Danzi, SDC Director General
Communication – within the SDC and with Parliament, the public and partners – will play an increasingly crucial role.
Patricia Danzi, SDC Director General


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Eichenweg 5
3003 Bern