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CommunicationPublished on 22 May 2024

Strengthening the resilience of mountain regions to climate change

Strengthening the resilience of mountain regions to climate change

Bern — One in eight people worldwide reside in mountainous areas. These regions supply fresh water to half the global population. They are home to numerous plant and animal species found nowhere else. However, these delicate ecosystems face severe threats from climate change. The SDC-funded ‹Adaptation@Altitude› project supports four mountain regions by analysing scientific climate change data, developing and replicating locally tailored adaptation strategies, and ensuring that the specific needs of mountain regions are considered in political decision-making processes.

 A series of photographs illustrates the different levels – science, local communities, and international organisations – required to protect mountain regions.

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Eichenweg 5
3003 Bern
+41 58 462 67 66


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)